Having a pet has become more popular than having children in the United States. Over 64 million households own a dog in 2023. With that comes the need for dog parks as they help socialize younger dogs and can be a source of like-minded friendships for adults. The City of Pawtucket has one existing and very popular dog park at Slater Park.  For residence in the western part of town it was too long of a drive. The city chose to utilize a seldom used car park behind a middle school that was often a dumping ground and home of shady activity. Nestled between a wooded area and a pool complex, the gentle sloping area was easily transitioned. Two enclosures define small and large dog areas, with natural and commercial play features. To reduce maintenance and maintain a fresh aesthetic, a combination of synthetic turf and stabilized stonedust was chosen for the surface. Water “bubblers” serve the dogs and their owners.

This bark park opened June 2023!